who proposed the grand theory of nursing as caring
Effective caring promotes health and individual or family growth. Caring consists of carative factors that result in the satisfaction of certain human needs. 2020 Oct-Dec ; 16(4): 188–198. Theorists have contributed enormously to the growth of nursing as a profession. framework for United States University College of Nursing's programs. In 1988, her theory was published in “nursing: human science and human care”. No plagiarism! Julie L. Valentine, L. Kathleen Sekula, Virginia Lynch. Nurses care for people as people who are created . Swanson’s Theory incorporates adaptive methods that not only help the family through the healing process, but teaches the nurse methods to help the family emotionally and physically. Jean Watson refers to the human being as “a valued person in and of him or herself to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood and assisted; in general a philosophical view of a person as a fully functional integrated self. For example, nurses working hospice may choose Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The theory of Nursing as Caring is a general or grand nursing theory that offers a broad philosophical framework with practical implications for transforming practice. Nursing theories have serve as a guide to nursing practice, and have help build the foundation for nursing as a discipline. For the patient, changing lifestyle means performing self-care. While grand theories can help establish a larger framework, middle-range and practice-level theories allow for the governance of specific types of nurses or certain health care scenarios. In the early part of nursing's history, there was little formal nursing knowledge. Some of the theories used in nursing practice can be divided into grand theory and middle range theory. It is considered that the use of different theories in different contexts and different populations can contribute to a sustained reflection. Biography of Jean Watson. The Philosophy and Science of Caring has four major concepts: human being, health, environment/society, and nursing. Report them to the class. concern and love for one’s neighbor; that is coupled with concrete, professional and moral discernment. Nursing theories have been a fundamental tool used to explain, guide and improve the practice of nursing. It has goals set by him or herself rather than by any other person, and behaves according to his or her feelings and values. As these theoretical frameworks were not applied to embrace all aspects of nursing in hypertension care, a middle-range theory of nursing in hypertension care was judged to be needed to guide nurses in their practice, developing the nursing of patients and designing studies to investigate nursing in hypertension care. Leininger states that the essence of nursing is care and the distinctive, dominant and unifying feature. A grand theory, and there are many, is a synthesis of scholarly research, professional experience and insights from theoretical pioneers (such as Florence Nightingale). The caring theory is a theoretical framework developed by Jean Watson to help enhance nursing practice, management, education and research. Theories of nursing that are Middle-Range tend to be more specific in focus and offer more concrete connections between Grand Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. (Fawccett, 2000) The central point of which is on the human component of caring and actual encounter between the client and the caregiver. Swanson’s five caring processes include knowing, which is striving to understand an event.
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