the twins terraria
Retinazer's first form. 36 / 68 Although the Mechanical Eye requires Souls of Light, that are only available in a world where the Wall of Flesh has been defeated, The Twins can technically be summoned in any world, regardless of whether or not Hard Mode has been unlocked in it. can anyone help? Increased Spazmatism's health to 23000, decreased damage for both. But I still can't beat them. 543k members in the Terraria community. Walk in between The Twins, and if they, shoot, jump with your wings and attack. Confused Lava Type The Twins must be killed before dawn, otherwise they fly up and then despawn. By Retinazer's health dropping to half of its full health A player fighting The Twins and The Destroyer, “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one focuses its energy into firing powerful lasers.”, “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one chases at high speed, exhaling cursed flames.”, By Retinazer's health dropping to half of its full health, By Spazmatism's health dropping to 2/5 of its full health, A player using the "Standing Still" method. Spazmatism's second form is the most threatening part of The Twins, as it possesses the most defense, the most damaging attacks, and the greatest mobility. Stats They are a duo of giant mechanical eyeballs, which tag team their target with fast firing lasers and hot green flame. Retinazer Trophy(10% (1:10)) Retinazer's charge attack has higher velocity but has longer periods between charges and does less charges than Spazmatism's. Monster Although the Mechanical Eye requires Souls of Light, that are only available in a world where the Wall of Flesh has been defeated, The Twins can technically be summoned in any world, regardless of whether or not Hard Mode has been unlocked in it. In this form, Spazmatism will not use the cursed flame attack if it does not have a clear line of sight. You can also connect heart and star statues through wires to ⦠They also have a 10% chance to spawn randomly at dusk once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as The Twins have not yet been defeated at least once in the current world, with their arrival announced by the status message "This is going to be a terrible night...". For this to happen, you must be moving fast enough to keep ahead of the second stage eye, such that the first stage eye falls behind (off screen). This strategy will be able to work using Heart Statues, a timer, and 1 Meteorite/Hellstone. 50 / 88 (Night only, when Mechanical Eye is used) Stats 50 / 92 If either of them get into their second phase, circle them and fire until they die. Cursed Inferno Attack Retinazer transforms at 8000 / 12000 / 15300 HP while Spazmatism transforms at 9200 / 13800 / 17594 HP. Before this, Retinazer uses all 1st form icons while Spazmatism using all 2nd form icons. In its second form, Spazmatism's fire stream attack functions almost identically to the, The Twins are the only boss with two trophies, and the only. Remember that making good use of certain tips above can greatly increase the effectiveness and success rate of these strategies. Spazmatism also charges faster in its second form. HP It fires more rapidly and with higher damage, and periodically fires in quick barrages which does significantly less damage. While The Twins are alive, the music Boss 2 will play. Stats Abrir / Ativar nele abrirá uma janela de diálogo com uma ou mais opções para o jogador selecionar. There is a glitch/error that causes Retinazer’s phase 2 icon to appear instead of Spazmatism’s phase 1 icon, and vice versa. Keep a good distance from Spazmatizm once it starts spinning and stay on the move to avoid Retinazer's lasers. When Otherworldly music is enabled, the track Boss 2 (Otherworldly) will play instead. The flames have a limited range, so with proper equipment, it's possible to outrun them for a while. Three mobs listed here: Robotic Dribbler, Blood Sucker , and Bloody Skeleton. There are two eyes: Retinazer and Spazmatism. Trophyℹ️ All you need to do is to follow the steps to the Destroyer but you only need to use Adamantite Repeater or better and ~1,000 cursed arrows, or you can use the Megashark with ~2,000 Crystal Bullets. Both alternate between their signature ranged attacks and charging melee attack, much like the Eye of Cthulhu. Its best Modifier is Mythical. The Twins will only remain as long as it is Night, and will flee the battle at dawn, similarly to the Eye of Cthulhu. The Twins are a Hardmode Boss that are the Hardmode and mechanical versions of the Eye of Cthulhu. Terraria > General Discussions > Topic Details. The Twins initially consist of two eyes connected together by a "rope" of flesh, one named Spazmatism and the other Retinazer. Attack Spazmatism may be a better choice for defeating first, since its cursed flames are difficult to avoid without proper mobility equipment/buffs in its second form. As soon the message, "This is going to be a terrible night...", appears, save and exit that world. It will never attempt to use its melee attack, preferring instead to maintain a constant distance between itself and the player. 100% Both must be killed in order to defeat the boss. The two forms of the Twins. Spazmatism's second form has visible bolts along either side, whereas Retinazer’s second form only has them along one side. In its first form, Retinazer will shoot lasers at the player and occasionally close in slowly to make a series of melee attacks. The Twins, as the name suggests, are two separate monsters, both of which must be defeated. The Twins may despawn if they are offscreen too long, which can be a serious problem if you are attempting the Mecha Mayhem. Melee Hey Guys! Immune To 10 45 / 76 I've killed the destroyer a couple of times with relative ease, and got a whole set of hallowed armor. none Type However, there is a glitch that can allow a player to prevent them from spawning naturally in singleplayer. If the player has defeated, The best choice of weapons for this boss are the, The player should bring buff potions/items relevant to their weapon/class of choice. Eye Fire The Twins can be summoned manually using a Mechanical Eye at night (7:30 PM to 4:30 AM). Alle varemærker tilhører deres respektive indehavere i USA og andre lande. Bestiary Description Laser Bestiary Description Trophyℹ️ It fires green Cursed Flames. Also, Spazmatism's second form looks similar to the Eye of Cthulhu's second form. They are the only sources of Souls of Sight. (I've got a boss fight area already) Drops Here is the Twins, peersonally my favorite mechanical boss of the three, with my favorite theme! HP Both must be killed in order to defeat the boss. Extra caution is needed for their second forms as they can deal devastating damage. The Mod I'm using: /Terraria_Forum/thread/Gameiki_Terraria_Mod-27 EVERY SINGLE 1.2.4 ITEM: /wiki/124 The Twins are two separate flying entities, Retinazer and Spazmatism, connected by a tendril, each with its own attack pattern and life count. The barrages become more intense and frequent the more damage Retinazer takes, eventually occurring non-stop. If one of them goes too far from the other one offscreen, it disappears, making it impossible to get loot from only killing one eye. The following is a list of strategies that players can employ to defeat The Twins. Both eyes have their own separate health bar and set of attacks. Defense During their first stage, they wear a facade, masquerading as Eyes of Cthulhu. When it is to the side of the player, it will begin to shoot its laser in rapid-fire bursts. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. It will alternate between rapidly charging at the player to use its insanely powerful melee attack, and slowly giving chase while using its medium-range cursed flame breath attack (which is almost identical to the Flamethrower's fire). Immune To When they charge, jump over them and continue. It will always float above or to the left of the player and use its laser attack. 20-40 Souls of Sight5-15 Greater Healing Potion15-30 Hallowed Bar(only if Spazmatism has been defeated) v1.2.3 Added to the game. Avoid damaging both Twins at the same time, as fighting both of them in their second form can be devastating. Spazmatism becomes a mechanical mouth (similar to the Eye of Cthulhu) that chases the player, charging with greater speed and range, and periodically spews streams of Cursed Flames from its mouth in a manner similar to the, When spawning randomly, The Twins spawn exactly 81 seconds after the status message has appeared. "This is going to be a terrible night...". This strategy will require a weapon of your choice and some wings. The Twins are one of three bosses with a corresponding, The Twins seem to be bio-mechanical hybrids since they are not immune to debuffs like. Retinazer (Second Form) 40 / 76 The lower Retinazer's health goes down, the faster the lasers become, making it even more dangerous before its death. Spazmatism's second form. Immune To I have been playing Terraria for quite a while now but i can't get past any boss higher than the twins. The Twins are two Hard Mode bosses similar in appearance to the Eye of Cthulhu, and the only sources of Souls of Sight. Melee Retinazer, distinguished by its red iris and that it fires lasers. Stream Terraria - The Twins Theme || Mechanical Madness Remix || by Infame Reaper from desktop or your mobile device They can be summoned with a Mechanical Eye, or randomly at night on a hardmode world where The Twins have not been defeated. 20 Laser Note that only the last defeated eye drops loot. If you move fast enough (Considering you have the correct accessories), you can outrun the death laser moments before it hits you. By Spazmatism's health dropping to 2/5 of its full health This is an easy strategy. Despite the twins spawning off screen, the tendril in between them can appear. 20,000 /30,000 Melee Defense Base level, recommended equipment for this fight is, Melee is not recommended for this boss, as most melee weapons available at this stage are lacking, and they make Spazmatism's deadliest attacks almost impossible to dodge. Inflicts 1.3k votes, 20 comments. This Guide to defeating them will focus on what you need to prepare, how to get the components for the mechanical eye to summon them at will, and what you'll get when you defeat the pair. Guide:The Twins strategies. Then the player will be able to reload that world and continue to play, and they will not spawn that night. Dig, fight, explore, build! Using another Mechanical Eye while the The Twins are active will not cause any additional effects, and will not be consumed. Bestiary Description Spazmatism, distinguished by its green iris and that it fires cursed flames. Spazmatism (First Form) Defense Note that just like Eye of Cthulhu, they cannot do anything during transformation, so this may provide an excellent opportunity to inflict a large amount damage on them. “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one chases at high speed, exhaling cursed flames.” Spazmatism, in its first form, will shoot cursed flames projectiles at the player and occasionally make a series of lunges at them. Ir para: navegação, pesquisa. Melee Build a proper fighting area. The Twin's Ire is a Hardmode magic weapon that can be crafted after defeating The Twins. The Twins now use their map icons correctly. While shooting the cursed flames, Spazmatism will try to stay in a horizontal position from you. This can also happen if all players are underground, and is also applicable for the other two mechanical bosses. For Terraria on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "the twins". The lasers do not pass through blocks. Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure ⦠Obtida ... Terraria Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. The Boss Trophy of a single eye can drop only if the specified eye has been defeated. He also has higher health to drain, and more defense. You may keep multiple campfires or heart lanterns for faster healing. Defeating Spazmatism then causing Retinazer to reach its second form can become an almost guaranteed win if this strategy is used. With the help of one or more friends, fighting the bosses becomes much simpler. Monster The twins despite being a mechanical boss, actually appear to be partially made out of flesh. Rapid Laser 60 / 108 Type Summoned By Mohou být pÅivolány pomocí Mechanického Oka (Mechanical Eye) v noci, a musí být poraženy než nastane úsvit, jinak zmizí. “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one chases at high speed, exhaling cursed flames.” Being in a. If an altar has been destroyed, The Twins will sometimes spawn at night during Hard Mode, with the message, "This is going to be a terrible night..." appearing that dusk. The Twins now transform at 2/5th HP, instead of at half HP. Fonte: Terraria Wiki. This effectively means that if you were to only look a the mini map for the duration of the fight, Retinazer would look like Spazmatism’s first phase when it gets to phase 2, and Spazmatism would look like Retinazer’s second phase when it is in phase 1. HP There is a chance any monster during Hard Mode will drop the Mechanical Eye if the player hasn't ever summoned The Twins in the world prior to the 1.2 update. Also, if they are damaged, they will emit the normal generic sound of many other enemies but it turns to a metallic clang when during second phrase. After it is beaten, the player can make a small box with some openings for their attacks to fight Retinazer, as it never charges at the player in its second form and will not shoot unless it has a clear line of sight. Entre em um jogo multiplayer, ou pegue uma armadura de hallowed e muitos buffs e principalmente poções de vida. Focus on killing Spazmatism completely first, as his Cursed Inferno debuff can prove to be deadly. The Twins are two separate flying entities, Retinazer and Spazmatism, connected by a tendril, each with its own attack pattern and life count. Retinazer's second form cannot attack the player if they are hiding in a box. Immune To Retinazer becomes a mechanical eye with a laser cannon in its pupil, and only fires projectiles, ceasing its attempts to ram the player (or align with the player diagonally). Graz talks to viewers about an easy way to kill the twins in Terraria, this is his method which works, and hopefully it will work for you too! Now have a chance to spawn during hardmode with the message: "This is going to be a terrible night...". Spazmatism's second form transforms into a mechanical mouth (A lot like the Eye of Cthulhu). There is an example below. Summoned By They have a combined health of 43,000 / 64,500, shared between them. These new Critters that arrive after they are defeated: Blood Butterfly, Bloody Bunnies (when a bunny spawns) (they donât go corrupted anymore after the boss is defeated), and Blood Moths. 75 / 127 Upon death, The Twins are guaranteed to drop 20-40 Souls of Sight, 5-15 Greater Healing Potions, and Hallowed Bars. Defense Facebook Youtube Pin Interest Instagram Toggle navigation Attack DvojÄata (The Twins) jsou Hardmode, mechanickou verzí Oka Cthulhu (Eye of Cthulhu). The Twins Reprised adds more monsters onto the blood moon. 76561198398642269. If the player is unlucky, The Twins will naturally spawn very early after defeating. Strangely, although Spazmatism uses Eye Fire to inflict the, When attacking, the player should keep in mind that the bosses will constantly home in on them, so try to anticipate their movements and to not reverse gravity too suddenly, or they might move out of the way of their projectiles. “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one focuses its energy into firing powerful lasers.” The Twins Despawning Early Me and a friend are currently running Expert Mode together and every time we come to fight The Twins the remaining eye despawns before we can kill it and are awarded no drops. Attack TheTwin Maskis avanity itemobtained by killingThe Twins. Ride the minecart ride, and keep shooting The Twins until they die. Now this assuming you havn't beaten them There are 2 main loadouts in my opinion, Ranged and Magic. What's a good strategy for fighting the twins? With one player luring Retinazer away and taking cover to avoid its attacks, others can concentrate their fire on Spazmatism and kill it quickly, and successively go back to Retinazer and defeat it. 50 / 85 The Twins are the Hardmode boss enemy versions of the Eye of Cthulhu. When one enters the second stage and its speed increases, it is possible to have The Twins despawn after killing one of the eyes. Terraria Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. 23,000 /34,500 For more elaborate strategies on defeating The Twins, including, For changes which affect all the mechanical bosses, see. Additionally, they are the only mechanical boss with phases. Spazmatism (Second Form) HP It fires a large blast of magic that cannot pierce, but instead deals 6 hits of damage to the target. Miscellanea Cursed Inferno Stats Focus on defeating one eye completely first without doing too much damage to the other one. In Expert Mode, Retinazer's laser firing becomes faster and charges cover more distance as its health depletes. The Twins (" The Twins " em inglês) are a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of the Eye of Cthulhu. In this series I will learn how to play the game while I have fun in my wonderful world. Bestiary Description The boss fight can be initiated by using a Mechanical Eye, or by waiting for The Twins to spawn normally (although this might take a while). Type Both of the bosses' names are portmanteaus, and somehow related to the eyes: Retinazer is made of Retina and Laser, and Spazmatism of Spasm and Astigmatism. none 20-40 Souls of Sight5-15 Greater Healing Potion15-30 Hallowed Bar(only if Retinazer has been defeated) The eyes despawn if you teleport too far away. The achievement for them in the old console version, "Ophthalmologist", shows two Wandering Eyes in their second phase instead of The Twins. Summoned By Welcome to my Let's Play of the Xbox 360 Edition of Terraria. Retinazer is less deadly, as it cannot inflict debuffs and will not charge in its second form, which helps the player get some distance if they are a ranger. Summoned By The boss fight can be initiated by using a Mechanical Eye, or by waiting for The Twins to spawn normally (although this might take a while). The Twins are a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of the Eye of Cthulhu. Confused Lava Cursed Flame This page was last edited on 1 December 2020, at 23:41. Focusing on Spazmatizm first is the safer choice, as it's more dangerous and should be eliminated as soon as possible. Retinazer transforms into a laser turret. In their first form, the Ichor debuff will reduce their defenses to 0. Despite inflicting it, Spazmatism is not immune to Cursed Inferno. Monster Even though they appear more mechanical in their 2nd forms, this means they are possibly a bio mechanical hybrid. Although the game classifies them as a single boss, they are two separate bosses, namely Spazmatism and Retinazer. One of The Twins can no longer despawn as long as the other is still active. They are made of two parts: Retinazer and Spazmatism. Miscellanea © Valve Corporation. A maioria dos NPCs são vendedores, mostrando um inventário de loja quando a opção "Loja" é selecionada. Monster Aiming can be simplified by luring the Twins to the top of the world and then falling straight down as they follow the player, but beware of the, This strategy can work wonders by building a, This strategy can also work quite well if the player uses a very fast weapon (such as the. (Night only, when Mechanical Eye is used) Inflicts O The Twins é um boss do Hardmode, o primeiro dos mecânicos e o 2º mais fácil. While this boss is mostly based off of the. 67 / 113 From personal experience the best arenas for fighting the Twins is a sky bridge, a really long sky bridge. Retinazer (First Form) Running from end to end and ad looping over/under them to switch directions. The Twins will only remain as long as it is Night⦠Spazmatism is on the bottom; Retinazer is on top. Confused Lava Each eye has a second form, which each individually reaches upon its health dipping to 40%. The "Twins", Retinazer(laser) and Spazmatism(fire), the first formal Hardmode fight encountered in Terraria. Can now sometimes spawn arbitrarily at night after defeating the. Sometimes one of the eyes can arrive later than the other. 10 The Twins mostly attack by charging, so a long skybridge (preferably made of asphalt) is recommended. The Twins are a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of the Eye of Cthulhu. Ele é uma versão mais difícil do Eye of Cthulhu. Be careful, as if either the player luring Retinazer or all of the players fighting Spazmatism are defeated, one of the bosses might despawn, making it impossible to get the spoils from beating one twin. Retinazer is a laser-shooting eye with a red iris; Spazmatism is a similar-textured eye, though it has a green iris. Retinazer is usually defeated second, due to Spazmatism being significantly more dangerous. Battling The Twins while both are in their second form makes the battle much more difficult, especially in. It can only be used at night; using this item during the day will not spawn The Twins or consume it. O Retinazer, tem 20,000 de vida (30,000 no expert) e o Spazmatism tem 23,000 de vida (34,500 no expert). Retinazer uses all 1st form map icons while Spazmatism uses all 2nd form icons. You will need a Megashark, and a minecart ride that is very long. Miscellanea Suggestions? Spazmatism's fireballs inflict Cursed Inferno for 2x / 2.5x the duration. I've got an onyx blaster, megashark, exacliber, ect. It will usually attempt to remain diagonally above the player. This is more likely to happen if the player already has a Mechanical Eye. Confused Lava Now have a chance to spawn naturally during Hardmode. The icons of The Twins are somehow wrong. 8,000/20,000 12,000/30,000 It is possible for one of the 2 eyes to despawn, but loot can still be obtained as long as the last eye is killed, excluding the missing eye's trophy. They maintain separate health bars, and are not considered defeated until both are killed (A trophy can be dropped from one twin while the other twin is still alive, but not other types of loot). 28 How to Draw The Twins from Terraria step by step, learn drawing by this tutorial for kids and adults. Note that in this form, Retinazer will not even attempt to shoot at the player if it does not have a clear line of sight, and the death laser does not pass through solid blocks. Miscellanea Decreased Spazmatism's Cursed Inferno duration to compensate for increased Cursed Inferno DPS. “Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one focuses its energy into firing powerful lasers.” The Twins is one of three Mechanical Bosses in Terraria's Hard Mode. The eyeball with the red iris, Retinazer, fires high velocity purple lasers. Drops Both must be killed in order to defeat the boss. Terraria Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The projectiles do not pass through blocks. The eyeball with the green iris, Spazmatism, fires medium velocity balls of. Will now drop 20-40 Souls of Sight instead of 20-30. Health and damage for both reduced from 24000 and 50 to 20000 and 40, respectively. In this form, Retinazer gains significantly more defense and a much more frightening laser attack named Death Laser. The Mechanical Eye is used to summon The Twins, the advanced and Hardmode version of the Eye of Cthulhu. Such as the. Spazmatism Trophy(10% (1:10)) Spazmatism's first form. 9,000/23,000 13,500/34,500 Bannerℹ️ Retinazer's second form. 100%,,,,,,, Pages with information based on outdated versions of Terraria's source code, Pages using DynamicPageList dplvar parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Bannerℹ️ The Twins are two separate flying entities, Retinazer and Spazmatism, connected by a tendril, each with its own attack pattern and life count. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Each of these two eyes has a unique AI routine, as well as a second form that it will transform into when it is below half health. The Twins Image via Terraria Wiki Many view this boss as the hardest of the mechanical bosses you can fight in the game, largely due to the fact that The Twins ⦠The player should begin the fight promptly at 7:30 pm to give themselves more time to fight the boss.
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